Szczecin Shipyard “Wulkan” invites you to cooperate in enabling and supporting technical infrastructure in the implementation of production and warehouse tasks in the area of ca 46 ha of land built-up with infrastructure for business activities in the field of:
a) production,
b) assembly and storage of steel structures,
c) crane services on assembly and storage yards with access to port quays,
d) vertical and horizontal transport throughout the whole area.
We are in possession of:
- a built-up space with industrial / production buildings, social and office warehouses in a protected area) with a building area: 11.48 ha including: production-lifting halls with an area of approx. 1,000 – 3,000 m2 – with overhead cranes with lifting capacity from 8t – 100t ;
- a built-up space with 12.85 ha of buildings, including:
– production and assembly (and storage) yards equipped with lifting devices (with low and high tonnage capacity) – paved and unpaved, with areas of 670 – 5,500 m2 – load capacity: 4t – 300 t,
– squares near the quays from which water constructions can be launched: production-slipway - Vulcan New- 10,500 m2 (slipway length – 266m, width 39.23m) with range of cranes with a lifting capacity of 32-80t and a gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 450t (going via a pier into the Odra River for a length of 8 m), with a barge quay length 95 m (max. length of the ship arriving at the quay – 85 m and draft 4.3 m),
- Vulcan I – 6,300 m2 (slipway length -245 m, width 25,90 m) with the reach of cranes with a lifting capacity of 32-80t and a gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 300t,
- Odra New – 6,300 m2 (slipway length -189 m, width 40.00 m) with the reach of cranes with a lifting capacity of 50t gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 300t; production – by the slipway – with the range of overhead traveling cranes operating:
– Wp-3 (Vulcan New) with an area 14,900 m2 (44 m wide)
– Wp-2 and Wp-2a (Vulcan New) with an area 3 100 m2,
– Wp-1 and Wp-1a (Vulcan 1) with an area 3,000m2,
– Op-1 (Odra New) area 4,000 m2,
– Op-2 (Odra New) area 3,200 m2; - paved and unpaved storage yards with an area of up to 1,000 – 7,000 m2; quays:
– with a length of 511 m (according to Shipyard nomenclature: Wulkan Północ, Wulkan Południe and Drzetowskie Północ), they include 5 cranes for handling shipment and crane operations (on the quay) with a lifting capacity of 23 / 12.5t; 16t, 2 pcs – 50/25 t; and 23 / 12.5 t,
– with a length of 95 m (according to the shipyard nomenclature: Drzetowskie Południe) which, in the scope of shipment and crane operations on the quay, serves a crane with a 25 / 5t lifting capacity; - Specialized facilities such as the Cleaning and Painting Center and the Steel Processing Center;
- buildings of a social nature (such as locker rooms) and with office rooms, and our lessees are entities providing gastronomy and catering services;
- The whole area is equipped with infrastructure (electricity, heating and technical gas networks) and a road network – connecting all yards and production buildings – enabling loads up to 400 tons.